''Dinner Tonight'' is Famous!

19th Feb 2009


Times Online has listed 50 great food blogs that will "change the way you cook and eat forever."  Our beloved Serious Eats came in at #8:

Practically everything you need to know about food can be found on this multi-contributor food website, started by New York Times journalist Ed Levine. The focus is on American foods such as hot dogs, there are restaurant and gadget reviews, food videos and recipes, including an easy recipe every afternoon to inspire that evening’s dinner.

That's us!  Have you read our Dinner Tonight column ?  Every single weekday we write up a recipe that's around ten ingredients or less and can be ready in under an hour.  Over in the sidebar is a list--updated daily--of every recipe we write up there.  When you need some inspiration, it's a great resource.

We're humbled to be sorta included in this list of the best and brightest.


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