Grill Week
And like that, it's over. Summer's stronghold has disappeared. The days no longer top out in the 90's, the sweat only beads down my face around noon, and that funk has actually started to lose it's grip on the 14th Street Station. Last week I only walked on the side of the street completely covered in shadow, and now I can walk wherever I choose. Really, I'm not sad. But I just got a grill, a real small grill. So I've decided to make one last stab at summer, one last time to remember perfect Brooklyn nights and hot days at Coney, just to give it one last goodbye, so I can happily dive into fall. I'm grilling like it's June and the hot days will never end. Not that I have any idea what I'm doing. Set me in front of a couple burners and I'll at least pretend that I have it all under control, but figuring how much charcoal to use, where the hot spots are on a 14.5 inch wide grill, or whether or not that enormous plume of black smoke pouring out the side is a good thing or not and I'll just shake my head. While I got the grill for free, it didn't exactly come fully equiped. I didn't have a charcoal chimney, a nice pair of long tongs, a thermometer, or even a nice set of directions on what to all. When I did go to the store to buy said items I couldn't find them because they are off season. But I wanted to grill, to have only a flame between me and a great meal. So taking an old spatula, a box of matches, a huge bag of self-starting charcoal, and one beer I set off to see what I could accomplish. Day 1: Grilled Salmon with Corn Salsa Day 2: New Territory for Mussels Day 3: Mexican Grilled Chicken Day 4: Greek Lamb Kebabs Day 5: North Carolina Pulled Pork Sandwiches