Subscribing to the Paupered Chef

6th Jun 2006

The orange thing is for subscribing to this website with RSS.  I don't have any idea what RSS and "feeds" are, either.

It might stand for Really Simple Syndication, or it might stand for Rich Site Summary, depending on who you ask.  But I found a place that makes it really easy to understand.   It's called Feedburner .  It's really friendly and talks to you in a nice, conversational tone.


Welcome to the Paupered Chef!

13th Jan 2006

6a00d8341d3b5653ef00e54f5f1a008834-800wi Thanks for visiting.  After encountering many difficulties, namely a deceptively complex program called Movable Type, we have since discovered its sister program, which is friendly, thoughtful, streamlined, and, most importantly, visually oriented: TypePad.  All hail TypePad.  This site took us one night to make. Feel free to check back as we will be adding recipes and changing designs through...